Dumping syndrome


Dumping syndrome is diagnosed based on typical symptoms in patients who have undergone gastric surgery. Typical signs and symptoms can be elicited with an oral glucose challenge of 50 g. Sigstad developed a diagnostic scoring system on weighing factors allocated to the symptoms of dumping. A diagnostic index greater than 7 is suggestive of dumping syndrome.

Sigstad's diagnostic index, indicating symptoms and the points assigned for those symptoms, is as follows:

Shock: +5

Almost fainting, syncope, unconsciousness: +4

Desire to lie or sit down: +4

Breathlessness, dyspnea: +3

Weakness, exhaustion: +3

Sleepiness, drowsiness, yawning, apathy, falling asleep: +3

Palpitation: +3

Restlessness: +2

Dizziness: +2

Headaches: +1

Feeling of warmth, sweating, pallor, clammy skin: +1

Nausea: +1

Fullness in the abdomen, meteorism (distention because of gas): +1

Borborygmus: +1

Eructation: -1

Vomiting: -4

              Courtsey: medscape 
